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I have seen the justifications of the US Treasury Department to include Al-Ahdal and Al-Hassan in the lists of embargo and funds freezing, according to a report published by ‘The Long War Journal’ and written by Thomas Jocelyan quoting the US State Department's website.

1 - Accusing the "Al-Ahdal" under the pretext of harboring al-Qaeda militants and allowing them to enter his mosque and dealing with them and supporting them with financial facilities through the company Al-Akhawain for Exchange (Al-Amki) and having a financial relationship with their leaders, and these futile pretexts are not based on clear information, buton ‘slander’ from malicious lobbies.
2- Al-Hassan Abkar was accused of collaborating with al-Qaeda and that he used some of them in the fight "Houthi rebels" in 2014. The US Treasury Department also considered that his relations with Salafist leaders such as Nayef al-Qaisi, al-Baydha governor, and Ghaleb al-Zaidi, as a charge, in their opinion, and that "Abkar" bought weapons for Al-Qaisi and support Al-Zaidiwith some money, and that his relationship with them is good! These also are clumsy charges not based on concrete facts, except that the two are fighting in the ranks of the resistance against the Houthis’ bloody brutality.
These charges, of course, have nothing to do with "terrorism," but a precautionary measure by the US administration under an illegal political influence of potential collaborators with "terrorism." A legal expert told me that a number of lawyers could be used to remove the names and provide evidence to refute these precautionary charges like what happened with a number of Muslim organizations inside the United States, such as the International Symposium of the Islamic House.

- It is clear that the reckless charges occurred under the influence of fabricated slanders to show the Houthis as partners in the fight against terrorism, so we must pay attention to these slanders, and to push the Yemeni diplomacy to effectively reduce the impact of these malicious slanders.

On Wednesday 17 May 2017 01:33:15 pm

_COMESFROM Alhassan abkar