Statement from Al-Rashad Party on US Treasury Malicious and False Accusations against Al-Ahdal and Abkar

الأربعاء 17 مايو 2017 الساعة 12 مساءً / Statement from Al-Rashad Party
عدد القراءات (1998)

The Supreme Authority of the Yemeni Al-Rashad Party followed with great surprise the malicious and false accusations issued by the US Treasury against Sheikh Abdullah Bin Faisal Al-Ahdal, his charity foundation and Sheikh Al-Hassan Abkar.
As Al-Rashad deplores these illegal and unjust accusations against two prominent figures of the Yemeni society, who are known for their moderate culture, their noble human positions, their struggle for justice, peace and human rights and their keenness to keep the interests of the Yemeni people and their legitimate government, the party confirms its complete rejection against such invalid accusations and considers them as a part of the US unjust policy against the helpless peoples of the Arab region, in an attempt to subdue them in order to yield to the colonial domination and its local tools.
It has become clear for all that the US accusations against some Yemeni political figures over the past two years were just a political assassination attempt against those symbols due to their positions against the sectarian militias that the US policy uses as a tool to stimulate permanent chaos and conflicts in order to divide the societies and subject them to the US dominance and to justify the US interventions in the region.
While the various Yemeni forces and actors, including Al-Rashad party, were waiting for the United States to withdraw its previous accusations against the Secretary-General of the Al-Rashad Union party Dr. Abdul-Wahab Al-Humeikani and to remove his name and the name of Al-Baidha governor Nayef Al-Qaisi from the black lists of the US Treasury, we were surprised that the US Treasury added two political and social figures to those unfair lists in a dangerous precedent to reflect the state of confusion and political bankruptcy of the US administration, unless it radically and seriously reconsider its decisions.
We, in Al-Rashad party, call on the US government to respect the national sovereignty of the Republic of Yemen, and to stop its dangerous policies in violation of human rights and militarizing its relations with the Arab and Islamic peoples. We also call it to rebuild bridges of trust between its people and our peoples on the basis of mutual respect, dialogue and common interests.
We also call on the legitimate government to carry its national and constitutional responsibilities in defending its citizens by all legal means as the targeting of these leaders in the legitimate government is an attack on the legitimacy itself and an attempt to undermine it by the name of the terror “scare.”
While the US government was supposed to support the great struggle by the Yemeni people, along with their brothers in the Arab coalition, in fighting against the fascist and racist militias that have kidnapped the state and continue to exercise all forms of oppression, terrorism and repression against the Yemenis and disregard human rights in full view of the whole world, let alone that these Iranian-backed militias pose a serious threat to the regional and international peace.
Allah save Yemen and its people from all attackers and plotters
Yemeni Al-Rashad Union