Statement from the Supreme Council for Mareb/Al-Jawf Tribes Alliance

الأربعاء 17 مايو 2017 الساعة 01 مساءً / the Supreme Council for Mareb/Al-Jawf Tribes Alliance
عدد القراءات (1578)

Under the current circumstances in our country and the difficult times resulting from the coup militias that operate according to a foreign agenda and their control on the state institutions, and while the National Resistance was defending the legitimacy, under an Arab and international support and UN resolutions condemning the coup and supporting the legitimacy, we were surprised by the US Treasury decision that came out of the context and added one the national defenders of the legitimacy to the list of supporters of terrorism, Sheikh Al-Hassan Abkar, one of the most prominent leaders of the Popular Resistance, who sacrificed his sons and brothers for the sake of the country and defending the legitimacy.
Therefore, we in the Supreme Council of the Mareb and Al-Jawf tribes strongly condemn this unfair decision, which we consider to be a kind of support for the coup militias and their terrorist and criminal acts against the Yemeni people. We also demand that the legitimate government and the governments of the Arab coalition countries supporting the legitimacy stand against this decision and revoking it as it targets the constitutional legitimacy and the entire Yemeni people that sacrificed the best of its sons and still offering big sacrifices in order to restore the legitimacy and the state.
Issued from the Supreme Council of Mareb/Al-Jawf Tribes Alliance, represented by Sheikh Ali Al-QablyNamiran, head of the Council