Important Statement from the Supreme Coordination Committee for Independents about US Treasury’s allegations against Sheikh Al-Hassan Abkar

الأربعاء 17 مايو 2017 الساعة 12 مساءً / the Supreme Coordination Committee for Independents
عدد القراءات (1650)

The Supreme Coordinating Committee for Independents in the Republic of Yemen stood before the latest developments on the Yemeni arena, the last one of which was the inclusion of the name of the prominent national figure and the Brigadier-General in the National Army Al-Hassan Ali Abkar in the list of terrorism supporters by the Department of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the US Treasury Department.
We, in the Supreme Higher Coordinating Committee for Independents, announce our full solidarity with Brigadier-General Hassan Abkar, member of the Riyadh Conference to Save Yemen and member of the Yemeni Shura Council.
We confirm that this accusation is false and based on malicious reports that lack for the slightest rationality and legal facts. We urge the Department of Terrorism in the US Treasury Department not to allow its professional performance to be overshadowed by such misleading and malicious information that is created by the agents of the coup intelligence and affiliated organizations in Sana'a.
This accusation decision that was issued from the US Treasury against moderate national and military figures that are known for tolerance, peace and acting within the framework of the national legitimacy is in fact an attack against the legitimacy institution and an encouragement for the putschists and their destructive project in total contradiction with the international resolutions supporting the legitimacy and anti-coup.
This indictment also challenges the credibility of America's handling of terrorism in front of the Yemeni people, the people of the region and the world at large.
We call on the Yemeni government, represented by the Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Embassy of the Republic of Yemen in New York to fulfill its duties and bear its responsibilities to submit an objection to the competent authorities in the United States of America and to inquire about reasons and evidence on which the US Treasury relied and to urge it to reconsider the decision and not to rely on reports from the coup’s agencies which mainly targets the national symbols supporting the legitimacy.
Issued from the Supreme Coordination Committee for Independents