The writer’s pageYasser Al Yamani writes about Sheikh Abkar
By/ ياسر اليماني
Published since: 7 _TOTEN_YEARS and 9 _TOTEN_MONTHS and 24 _OVER_DAYS
Wednesday 17 May 2017 01:37 pm

To the upright Sheikh, brave fighter and the father of heroes,Al-Hassan Abkar
Dear sir and brother, I do not know you, I did not meet you one day and I never had the honor of meeting you to kiss you on your forehead. Yes, you are one of the heroes of Yemen who stood up to the projects of Tehran and its dogs from the Houthi militias.
Millions of Yemenilovers and Ihave learned today from the news about including you in the US lists. Letme tell you and every Yemeni that you are one of Yemeni heroes who are supported by millions of people who oppose the projects of Tehran and its dogs in Yemen. I believe that millions of Yemenis are behind you and they reject this despicable conspiracyled by Iran and its dogs. All of us know who is Al-Hassan Abkar. He is a deep-rooted chieftain and tribal man and a Yemeni who stood against the projects of Tehran, so If America wants to hurt you through Houthi dogs and their militias, it will not hurt you only but every free and honorable Yemeni who rejects and resists Tehran projects in Yemen. Tehran projects that you and many people behind you resist to prevent them from hurting brothers in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, so we urge the brothers in the Saudi government to clarify the picture and who is Al-Hassan Abkarand we ask the president, his delegates and his ambassador in Washington to explain to the American administration who is the fighter and Sheikh Al-Hassan. This task is the task of President Hadi and his teamwho must issue a statement from the Yemeni presidency and under the signature of President Hadi before the brothers in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf to clarify, away from ambivalence,who is Sheikh Al-Hassan Abkar.
Be confident, the upright Sheikh, that you are one of the few men who are in the hearts of all Yemenis, not anyone faces the Houthis and their militias and the projects of Tehran in Yemen is a terrorist. All Yemenis from Saada to Al-Maharaencounter this sectarian project and all are with you and behind you.
Finally, accept from me and from all noble and free Yemenis,the best greetings, love and gratitude.
Yasser al-Yamani