America made them Daesh but who can convince Daesh?!
By/ محمد شبيبة
Published since: 7 _TOTEN_YEARS and 7 _TOTEN_MONTHS and 5 days
Wednesday 17 May 2017 01:43 pm

Abdul Wahab Al-Humeikani, Secretary-General of Rashad Party, member of the dialogue conference and member of the Advisory Board every day, he goes to a meeting with the pro-legitimacy parties or go to watch TV to look at the state of institutions and the need to stand with President Hadi and his legitimacy.
That means that Sheikh Abdul-Wahhabis kafir(disbeliever) from all the facets. He is Kafir (disbeliever) three times!!
The first: he is kafirbecause he is Secretary-General of the Rashadparty!!
Thesecond: he is kafirbecause he is a supporter of the legitimacy of Hadi and a participant in it!!
And third: he is Kafir because he is member of the monitoring of the outputs of the dialogue and member of the advisory body!!
Al-Hassan Abkar is associated with Daeshfaith. He is also kafirthree times:
The first:he is kafir because he is President of the Shura Council of the Islah Party in Al-Jawf
The second: he is kafirbecause he is one of the leaders of the National Army.
And the third: he is kafir because he is member of the Riyadh conference.
Abdullah bin Faisal Al-Ahdal
Sheikh Abdullah is Kafirtwice!!
The first is that he is kafir because Daeshclassified him as one of the scholars of the sultans, and the scholars of the sultans are disbelievers
The second is that he is kafir because he does not agree with the apostasy of the officials and soldiers, and whoever does not accuse a kafir of apostasy so he is kafir. Ifhe is an official in the state he will be kafir three times.
By the way, Sheikh is head of the Salafist Charity Coalition supervising the charitable acts that means they only distribute rice, beans, sugar and flour. Daesh has only knives and explosives. It does not distributebeans or date, America!
Nayef al-Qaisi, who is also a disbeliever in three ways, according to Daesh,means kafir three times:
The first one is that he is kafir because he was sworn in before President AbdRabbo Mansour Hadi, and the constitutional oath, for Daesh, is apostasy.
Second: kafir because he is the governor of Al-Baydha. It means that he is an official in an apostate government, so he is kafir.
Third: kafir because he is member of the Riyadh conference.
Thosepeople, for Daesh, are kafir from the apostate class because there is an original unbeliever such as the Jews and Christians, and there is a Muslim who converted and became apostate, and the killing of apostate should be before the killing of the original infidel. That means, in the jurisprudence of Daesh, that the killing of Abdul Wahhabshould be done before the killing of Obama and killing Al-Hassan should be done before the killing of Trump, and this way they understand the verse (fight those of the disbelievers who attack you). Daesh is still busy fighting the disbelievers! It is not free to fight America or those around it. When it gets rid of us, our soldiers and our clerics, then it will think about that!!
So, America, God does not bless you,convince Daesh that these sheikhs are Muslims and then you have the right to classify them and consider them as Daesh!!
Mashallah, Daesh has become a flexible civil organization as one distributes food to the poor and the needy people, one is a secretary-general of a party, one is governor of a governorate under President Hadi and one is a commander in the legitimate army.
Hay Kerry, fool someone else, behind the mound is war against Islam, not againstDaesh!!
These are our leaders and crowns on our heads, and we are with them, from them and to them.
Note:to avoid the American classification and its Daesh,I am thinking to raise the slogan of death to America and to chant the slogan once in the morning and once in the evening because the sign of the American satisfaction towards any individual is to see him raising the slogan and announce the screaming.
# Mohammed_Shabiba